Moses beard
These plants, called Moses beard because it shapes such as the beard of Moses, this plant does not need planting media. I live in the only place in the basket as in the picture
Blog flora :just for all flora in beauty,you can see it.if you have any flora that can made the beauty ,you can send your picture so any one can see your beauty collection.Any picture in your collection can be sharing in this blog include the picture about adenium,arabicum.wave of love,roses,anthurium,and other plants or you can sell your plants,by adding information of the picture.Its Free !!!!!!
These plants, called Moses beard because it shapes such as the beard of Moses, this plant does not need planting media. I live in the only place in the basket as in the picture
To create a Bonsai plants such as this requires diligence and patience for several years but the results can be enjoyed
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